Oracle cards and the Moon – February 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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So here we all are in “love month” February, which includes February 14, Valentine’s Day.

So how are you feeling about it? Are you ready for a wonderful and romantic night out with someone you love? Are you single and thinking about sending someone you have your eye on a message to let them know you’re interested? And what of the astrological and moonological energies of the night?

Here are the 3 most important bits of cosmic info you need to know about Valentine’s day (and night) 2019.

1. On February 14 2018, the Moon will be in the sign of Gemini. This is actually awesome news because Gemini is the chatty sign of the zodiac. That means conversation will be flowing freely whether you’re on a nerve-wracking Valentine’s date with someone new or you’re part of a long-time married couple – or anything in between.

2. We will be in the Waxing Cycle of the Moon – that’s the cycle from New to Full when everything is happening. It’s the time to go after what you want, make your desires known to the Universe (and/or to the object of your affections!) and to chase your most romantic dreams. Very good juju for Valentine’s.

3. Very interestingly, the next planetary combo after Valentine’s is between Venus, the planet of love, and Neptune, the planet of soulmates, poetry and dreams. Yet another auspicious omen for Valentine’s 2018.

Every month, I draw a card for all of the four astrological elements. Think of it as this month’s advice for you from the heavens. If you think of a question (or better yet write it down) before you read the information for your sign, the answer will be even more accurate!

Fire (If you’re Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Archangel Michael – The Wheel “A time of positive change. A situation suddenly moves forwards. Fortune is on your side!” Now is the right time for you to be making big and small changes. Good luck is headed your way!

Earth (If you’re Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Archangel Zadkiel – Balance. ” The need for balance and moderation. Cooperation and compromises. Wait for perfect timing.” You might be champing at the bit to really get started in 2019, but this card suggests you need to slow down.

Air (If you’re Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Knight of Earth – Loyal, Dedicated, Honourable and Kind. “Time to buckle down and get things done! Honour your commitments. A guardian angel.” Your motivation is coming back this month and that’s a good thing, because you need to Get Things Done!

Water (If you’re Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Page of Air – Logical, Honest, Impulsive, Curious. “Challenging information. Delays or changes to plans. Truth delivered without tact.” There could be some hiccups this month. You might not like all the developments coming your way. Top tip: try not to take anything too personally!

Win a deck of my best-selling oracle cards!

This month Yasmin used the Rider Waite deck and her own card deck – the Moonology Oracle Cards. To be in the running to win a signed Moonology deck, visit

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