3 ways to work with the New Moon + London workshop - Yasmin Boland
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There are 3 main ways to work with the New Moon every month and in this post, I am going to explain them to you…

Remember, the next New Moon takes place on January 6 2019

1. Consciously create your life

You can harness the monthly New Moon power to turn yourself into a powerful manifestor and deliberate creator. As you probably know, we are always creating our lives 24/7 with your thoughts, actions and emotions. Working with the New Moon, though, you can start to do this consciously! All you need to do is set aside time once a month – at the time of the New Moon – to make your wishes and set your intentions. To decide what you are committing to. Intention is a powerful force. This option is life-changing and best of all, it’s something you can at no cost, with friends or alone, with absolutely no astrological knowledge at all and with incredible results that can set you off on a whole new path to the life you have always dreamed of. I have used this technique in my own life, many many times with results that even I have found hard to believe at times!

2. Use the Moon as a Cosmic Timer

The second way to use the New Moon is as a sort of mala, a counter, a cosmic timer. As you might know, there are 12 to 13 New Moons a year and they all take place in different signs – barring the odd Blue Moon of course. So there is the New Moon in Aries which comes in March or April, depending on the year. Then a month later you get the New Moon in the next sign of the zodiac, which is Taurus, a month later in the next sign, Gemini and so on, all the way through all the 12 signs. Each sign has its own energies. So Aries, for example, is very much about the start of a new cycle, the idea of coming out of the darkness and into the light after a period of hibernation, of releasing your inner child and bringing spontaneity back into your life. Taurus New Moon time is the time to think about the love and abundance in your life, about what really matters to you. Gemini New Moon time is the moment of the year to give four weeks to working on how well you’re communicating and so on. If you work with all of the Moons for 12 months, you will have worked on every part of your life – that is what it means to live consciously! To be consciously working on yourself and trying to evolve. Love this stuff? Come to my January workshop in London – ticket info is here.

3. Look at your personal chart

The third way of working with the New Moon each month is to go one step deeper and look at how each New Moon is affecting YOUR personal chart. This is much easier to do than it sounds and is a really profound practice. As you might know, we all have a personal birth chart which is cast based on our time, date and place of birth. The chart is divided into 12 sections called houses and these houses represent various parts of our lives. The 1st House is our appearance and how we come across to other people, the 7th house represents our love life, for example. The 10th house is all about our career. Once you understand the very basics of this – and believe me, it’s really not very complicated even if it sounds it – you can work out where the New Moon each month is in YOUR chart. This gives you the chance to actually predict what is likely to come up for you in the coming four weeks after the New Moon, to plan – for example – if you want to redecorate, when better to do it than when the New Moon is in your 4th house of home and family – when to think about your health regimes and your well-being, how well you’re taking care of yourself, your morning and evening routines, getting back to exercise and so on – when the New Moon is in your 6th house and so on. Love this stuff? Come to my January workshop in London – ticket info is here.

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more, I would like to invite you to join me at a workshop I am giving in London on January 13. Tickets are strictly limited and already half sold out so grab yours now! Click here.

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