The real story behind my Moonology oracle cards... part 2 - Yasmin Boland
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In this post, I explained some of the issues I went through as I created my now-best-selling Moonology oracle cards. For lots of reasons, I struggled with “birthing” them.

I actually felt so torn about the whole process that I spoke to various people I trust about my issues with them and I was given some amazing advice, including to do some magical prayer and powerful puja work around the creation of the cards. Which I did, in the form mainly of fire pujas in my courtyard at home.

The thing is, I had no way of knowing if the energy work I had done around the cards had worked, per se. It was true that finally the deck’s text was all done (the main part of that being for the interpretations booklet, of course) and eventually Hay House let me know that the cards had been sent off to the printers.

All that done, I more or less forgot about it all and just got on with life, as you do.

And then some magical things happened…

The first thing was that in due course, I was sent a box of the cards. A sample set. This is something publishers do for their authors. We get an advance pack to check out our creation.

I felt a little nervous about it all, so I specifically decided to wait for my son Louis, then 11, to come home from school so he and I and my beloved husband Olivier could all open them together. I decided to film it to maybe share on social media later. I think you can see from the video, it was a very special moment.

I think of it as though all the magical and Divine energy which went into the making of the cards was released as we opened that first box in the living room and marvelled at the beauty of them. Here is the video…

So that was that. I loved them, my family loved them, all seemed to be well. Yay.

But that wasn’t really that…!

There was a short silence after that. But very quickly, the cards raced up the amazon astrology best-sellers lists. This was lovely and I was very touched. Of course, it’s a massive THRILL for an author to see their work selling well. Sometimes we write for ourselves, and with the cards, in some ways I made them for me as I love to use oracle cards, but there is no doubt that other people digging the work is heart-opening!

And then reviews started coming out. People loved the cards. I was so happy to read this steady stream of positive feedback from the reviewers we sent the cards out too. I mean, you just don’t know what people are going to say. With a book, the text kind of stands alone, right? But with cards, there is also what the French call that “je ne said quoi”, that indefinable magic that either the cards “work” or they don’t.

I started to use the cards myself, seeing the images and text in tandem for the first time around the same time as everyone else. I pulled one or two tentatively to start with an was thrilled they gave accurate feedback to my questions. Then I start to use them in my Chat It’s Fate column, and again every time, the cards seemed to be really spot on.

On my Instagram feed, I was being tagged and tagged and tagged with #yasminboland #moonology and #moonologyoraclecards again and again and again with people saying the loveliest things about the cards…

M o o n o l o g y || these gorgeous Oracle cards are my absolute fave…

Have you seen this fabulous oracle deck from @moonologydotcom ?! I love every moon related and after reading her book , I found this card deck and it’s brilliant. I love all the illustrations and the messages that connects us to the wisdom of Mother moon 🌑. 

First time using my new moonology oracle deck. 🌕✨ I just love the art work & phase meanings to these cards! 🖤 
So beautiful! 🔮

The comments started and were actually quite overwhelming. I was quite taken aback. I am used to lovely remarks from readers but these seemed to be gushing at my like a geyser of gorgeousness!

And then I realised…

It was the energy that went into them. The Ganesha energy, the Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga energy, the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel energy. I had poured all that energy in trying to “get the cards right” in the creation process but of course, that energy was much bigger than me or anything I could plan! the cards are lit with it.

Of course!

My teacher in India Narayani Amma often talks about how we only turn to the Divine in times of need. And it’s true that had I not struggled with the cards (as described here) I may not have done quite so many prayers and puja fire ceremonies!

However it was a major lessons for me too. ALWAYS dedicate whatever I do to the Divine AS I am doing it. Even if I think “I’ve got this!”, I will do the dedication.

I surrender to the Divine!

And if you have your own projects going on, I strong recommend you try this too!

All that said, if you don’t have the cards yet and you would like to find out more about them, they are here.

Yasmin x

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