Aquarius monthly horoscope – September 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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The song “whistle while you work” from Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs comes to mind as you discover just how productive you can be while on the job this month.

You can do anything now, as the Sun connects harmoniously to Saturn giving you the energy to take on tasks that would normally seem daunting, at school or work.

You will be motivated more than ever to get organized, as time management, hard work, and discipline will not feel like chores during this period, but will serve as inspiration for you to set yourself up for future success.

They say it’s all in the details, and with the Sun currently in Virgo, you may find yourself worrying about financial matters or over-analyzing aspects of your work that you haven’t paid attention to previously. Use this time to make the necessary changes that will allow you to work more efficiently. By setting some practical goals for yourself in these areas, you will discover ways to utilize your current resources in a way that you have not thought of before.

The planet Uranus, which rules change, innovation, and excitement, makes a positive aspect to the Sun this month, that can manifest an urge to do something adventurous and out of the ordinary. Come mid-month however, you may find it challenging to be confined to the office or one specific place, as you will seek ways to free yourself from the daily grind. Co-workers and the like can seem overly irritating, and working solo or behind the scenes for the next two weeks may be better suited for you.

As the month comes to a close, you should be feeling more confident and assertive. Take this newfound energy and engage in activities that provide a physical outlet such as hiking, sports, or rigorous exercise. The planet Mercury that rules our communications and learning capacity will make a positive aspect with optimistic and expansive Jupiter, which can be a great time for learning a new skill, taking up a new study, or travelling.

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