Leo monthly horoscope – July 1 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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You can’t win every argument you have, so be selective when pushing your opinions in other people’s direction. Some things matter more than others, and you’ll only get on people’s nerves if you insist you’re right about absolutely everything. Calling it being straight to the point doesn’t make what you say any less blunt. OK, maybe some things need to be said, but are you sure they need to be said like that?

Mid-month you might over estimate how much cash you can spare. Fortunately, you have a strong enough sensible streak to push at least some cash in the direction paying bills. There could be a blip at the end of the month when you get too complacent about your money. Don’t let someone pull the wool over your eyes – if what they offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

You may begin to feel a need to withdraw and spend more time by yourself. This will give you the opportunity to address any behaviour patterns that have been holding you back.

Be prepared for what you thought were well-kept secrets to emerge – probably because you opened your mouth when it would have been a better idea to keep it shut –but don’t get too dramatic if that happens. There’s a chance that you read too much into situations and people aren’t nearly as interested in what you do in your free time as you think they are.

Were you thinking it was about time that you broke a bad health habit? If so, you’ll be delighted to find that you can do just that in the final days of July. Suddenly, it seems so much easier. Or perhaps there’s an issue with your day-to-day routine at work? Maybe you’ll feel like quitting, but that isn’t a good idea unless you’ve got all your ducks already lined up in a neat row. There’s nothing wrong with making a few changes, but make sure they’re changes that you’ll actually stick to.

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