Virgo daily horoscope – May 26 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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Saturday May 26

Where is your working life going?

Time to make some professional decisions

The Full Moon In Sagittarius Is Coming…

Gibbous Moon into Scorpio: This is the time to think about your working life, where you are going with it and if there is something in your career that you need to leave behind.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is associated with the planet Saturn anyway, and in the case of the 2018 Full Moon in Capricorn, it’s actually taking place at the same place on the zodiac. Endings are going to loom large now, especially but not only when it comes to work projects. If something you’re working on is coming to an end now, it’s almost certainly the right time for it. Most of us fear change but Saturn and Capricorn are the planet and sign that deal with fear.

So work through any doubts you have about change being a good thing. We have to keep moving forwards, or we stagnate. Agreed? It’s quite obvious but the Full Moon in Capricorn is the ideal time to consider such questions.

Ready for your Daily Stars?

They’re here

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Scorpio Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am taken care of materially.’

2. ‘All my financial needs are being met.’

3. ‘My sex life is so wonderfully healthy.’

Essential Oil to use: Myrrh

Mantra: Lam. Chant it out loud or silently!

Chakra: The Sacral chakra, aka Svadhisthana

Angel: Jeremiel, the life reviewer

Goddess: Kali, who liberates us

Heavenly Ray: the 8th ray, which is aquamarine

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Some extremely important info

It’s always good to let our “stuff” go and the Full Moon is always a good time to do that. We have to face up to our feelings, process them, make peace with them and let them go. If you’re ready to do that, click here.

Sunday May 27

How to work with the Full Moon this month

Put your foot to the floor!

Gibbous Moon in Scorpio: Note that Saturn, Capricorn and the Full Moon are ALL three about ending so it’s time to release something or someone from your life now.

We all have emotional baggage that we carry around us and the Full Moon in Capricorn is the ideal time to do an annual check in with yourself about if you have a few bits of emotional baggage which you can throw overboard.

By doing this emotional clear out, your energies will radiate better and it will be easier for you to manifest your desires.

Ready for your Daily Stars?

They’re here

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Scorpio Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am taken care of materially.’

2. ‘All my financial needs are being met.’

3. ‘My sex life is so wonderfully healthy.’

Essential Oil to use: Myrrh

Mantra: Lam. Chant it out loud or silently!

Chakra: The Sacral chakra, aka Svadhisthana

Angel: Jeremiel, the life reviewer

Goddess: Kali, who liberates us

Heavenly Ray: the 8th ray, which is aquamarine

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Full Moon in two days…

Write it out, forgive anyone involved with anything you have written down, and then burn it on the night of May 28. It’ll do you a power of good! Click here for our free Full Moon Forgiveness kit if you want some help with that.

Monday May 28

T’is the time to get out and do some chanting

Invocation to the Goddess Fortuna…

Gibbous Moon into Sadge: So who is the Goddess Fortuna and what does she have to do with the May Full Moon?

Btw here are the times of the Full Moon around the world…

Full Moon on May 29/30 at 9 Sagittarius

Full Moon details:
SYDNEY: May 30, 12.19am
NEW YORK: May 29, 10.19am
LONDON: May 29, 3.19pm

Not in any of these places? Click here.

Goddess Fortuna is also known as Lady Luck. I like the invocation I found here.

Goddess Fortuna, you’re welcomed to be
bringing good fortune and prosperity.

The same page recommends a whole ritual you can do, before and after the invocation. Honestly, if you’re going to invoke Lady Luck, tonight under the Full Moon is a great night for it!

PS If you have trouble sleeping at Full Moon, the free Full Moon Meditation here is said to be awesome for helping Moonchildren and other lunar types to find the slumber they seek…

Ready for your Daily Stars?

They’re here

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Sagittarius Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I know that I am blessed.’

2. ‘Life is an adventure!’

3. ‘The world is my oyster!’

Essential Oil to use: Sandalwood

Mantra: Ah. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Crown, aka Sahasrara

Angel: Archangel Raguel, angel of peace

Goddess: Fortuna, Goddess of chance

Heavenly Ray: the 9thray, which is blue-green

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Some extremely important info

It’s always good to let our “stuff” go and the Full Moon is always a good time to do that. We have to face up to our feelings, process them, make peace with them and let them go. If you’re ready to do that, click here.

Tuesday May 29

The May Full Moon report

Full Moon in Sagittarius…

This Full Moon is especially good for Aries, Geminis, Leos, Librans, Sagittarians and Aquarians, but it’s more challenging for everyone else.

◗The energy is… Fun, and it may prompt many sighs of relief.

Top 5 Sadge Full Moon questions

1. Have I been too flippant, or carefree to the point of being careless, irresponsible, even?

2. Have I been letting myself down by allowing myself to get distracted and bored?

3. Have I been overconfident to the point of arrogance, or too preachy?

4. Have I been a commitment-phobe, to my own detriment?

5. Have I been seeing the bigger picture?

Want to know where the Full Moon is triggering your chart? That and a whole lot more info is in the free Full Moon Forgiveness Kit here.

◗ Message of the Full Moon: Life is an adventure. Don’t stagnate!

◗ Find a balance between… Speaking your mind and saying far too much.

◗ Forgive Perform the ‘Full Moon forgiveness ceremony’ on page 143 144 of my book Moonology. Otherwise simply write your forgiveness list and then … burn it!

◗ Be grateful! Perform the ‘Entering a state of gratitude ceremony’ on page 144 of my book Moonology. Otherwise, simply write a gratitude list … and then burn it.

PS If you have trouble sleeping at Full Moon, the free Full Moon Meditation here is said to be awesome for helping Moonchildren and other lunar types to find the slumber they seek…

Wondering about your horoscope?

The daily horoscopes are here!

Some extremely important info

It’s always good to let our “stuff” go and the Full Moon is always a good time to do that. We have to face up to our feelings, process them, make peace with them and let them go. If you’re ready to do that, click here.

Sagittarius Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I know that I am blessed.’

2. ‘Life is an adventure!’

3. ‘The world is my oyster!’

Essential Oil to use: Sandalwood

Mantra: Ah. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Crown, aka Sahasrara

Angel: Archangel Raguel, angel of peace

Goddess: Fortuna, Goddess of chance

Heavenly Ray: the 9thray, which is blue-green

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Wednesday May 30

After the Full Moon…

Let it go!

Full Moon phase – Moon in Sadge: Every month on my Hay House radio show, around the time of the Full Moon, I read out the following… I suggest you do to! It’s a super-powerful karma release formula (based on the work and used with permission of Catherine Ponder and from my book Moonology)

Under the glorious Full Moon…

‘Under the glorious Full Moon, I forgive everything, everyone, every experience, every memory of the past or present that needs forgiveness. I forgive positively everyone. I also forgive myself of past mistakes. The Universe is love, and I am forgiven and governed by love alone. Love is now adjusting my life. Realizing this, I abide in peace.

‘I bring love and healing to all my thoughts, beliefs and relationships. I learn my lessons and move on. I call on my soul fragments to be cleansed by the Full Moon and I call on them to rejoin me. I send love to myself and everyone I know, and everyone who knows me, in all directions of time. Under this glorious Full Moon, I am healed. My life is healed. And so it is. So be it.”

Ready for your Daily Stars?

They’re here

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Sagittarius Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I know that I am blessed.’

2. ‘Life is an adventure!’

3. ‘The world is my oyster!’

Essential Oil to use: Sandalwood

Mantra: Ah. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Crown, aka Sahasrara

Angel: Archangel Raguel, angel of peace

Goddess: Fortuna, Goddess of chance

Heavenly Ray: the 9thray, which is blue-green

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Do yourself a favour…

All this week I have been urging you to release any negativity you have. It could be a fear or a doubt or a relationship. This is the time to do it and you do it through forgiving yourself or someone else… There’s a pretty comprehensive (and free) How To here.

Thursday May 31

Face your fears

Getting ourselves together

Full Moon phase – Moon into Capricorn: Need to get yourself together post the Full Moon? Get your head in order? Make a plan?

Then this Capricorn Moon Day has your back. Capricorn is the most ordered and ambitious of the signs so when the Moon is here, being sensible and strategic is the order of the day. It’s a wonderful time to get your life back on track.

Think about where you’ve been, where you want to go and what kind of mark you want to leave on the world. It’s a day when relationships with bosses, or your position as a boss, could come to the fore. Behaving maturely and thinking long-term are the keys to success now. Be smart, but don’t be too serious.

Work out your goals for the months ahead, too, if you feel like it … but don’t let all this squeeze the joy out.

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Capricorn Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am going places!’

2. ‘It’s wonderful to be so successful!’

3. ‘I love seeing my plans work out!’

Essential Oil to use: Laurel

Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The solar plexus chakra, aka Manipura

Angel: Azrael, angel of transition

Goddess: Juno, Goddess of commitment

Cosmic Ray: A combination of rays 1, 2, and 4, and gold

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Do yourself a favour…

All this week I have been urging you to release any negativity you have. It could be a fear or a doubt or a relationship. This is the time to do it and you do it through forgiving yourself or someone else… There’s a pretty comprehensive (and free) How To here.We are still in Full Moon phase so it’s still the right time.

Friday June 1

Your Mini Moonscopes

Teeny Moon in June messages

Full Moon phase – Moon in Capricorn

Aries – the signs could hardly be stronger that it’s time for you to conclude an important cycle in your life, more than likely to do with work. Let go of the old!

Taurus – it’s the right time for you to think about … what you’re thinking! Make sure you keep your thoughts clear. Deal with upsets and process them. Meditate!

Gemini – the New Moon is in your sign so use this month to think about how you want to improve your life – it’s always a good time to improve your life.

Cancer – the Full Moon in your Love is your annual chance to move on from the past, you sweet, clinging Cancerian. Also resolve to stop worrying. Try affirmations instead!

Leo – this is the time for you to manifest a new friend if you need one. Get out there. Tend your friendships and think about who you are in your community.

Virgo – the New Moon heralds a new start for you in your career. To earn more you will need to work through any hurt feelings you have around money.

Libra – there is a tension this week between the person that you are that the whole world sees versus your family life. Tip: stoke the home fires a little.

Scorpio – how do you feel about using sacred sex as a way to commune with the heavens? It’s got to beat porn and Tinder, right? This is the Scorpio June question.

Sagittarius – relationships are arguably the most important thing in anyone’s life and this month’s New Moon is urging you to work on your most important ones

Capricorn – think about what in your life has happened which you now what to move on from. Cut the ties. Archangel Michael can help you. Turn an emotional corner.

Aquarius – your romantic life is in focus. There could be some shocking turnarounds but don’t cut what you can untie and it could all yet work out very well for you.

Pisces – if you want to manifest a different personal life or change your home life somehow, this is the month to put plans into action. Don’t let glitches put you off!

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Capricorn Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am going places!’

2. ‘It’s wonderful to be so successful!’

3. ‘I love seeing my plans work out!’

Essential Oil to use: Laurel

Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The solar plexus chakra, aka Manipura

Angel: Azrael, angel of transition

Goddess: Juno, Goddess of commitment

Cosmic Ray: A combination of rays 1, 2, and 4, and gold

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Some extremely important info

It’s always good to let our “stuff” go and the Full Moon specifically and the Waning Cycle in general is always a good time to do that. We have to face up to our feelings, process them, make peace with them and let them go. If you haven’t done that yet this Full Moon cycle, click here. It’s not too late!

Source: Virgo

Source: Virgo

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