3 things you're definitely running out of time on... - Yasmin Boland
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You might be happy to hear there is now less than ONE week left until Mercury retrograde ends…

That means there is less than one week to ….

1. to work with this cycle, consciously and intentionally. I hope I have given you tons of ideas for this in the past few weeks.

2. possibly be bothered by this cycle (let’s hope not too much!)

3. grab my free Mercury Retrograde Book book bonuses before they disappear, maybe forever!

The freebies come when *only* you order my new Mercury Retrograde Book from http://mercuryretrogradebook.com/

When you order the book, you’ll get instant access to my free 3-part Astrology Made Easy online mini-course + 3 other excellent free bonuses.

>>> Bonus 1: Find out all about the CURRENT retrograde and how it affects you in this PDF … a bit old hat now perhaps but COULD be interesting to read in retrospect – remember to read your rising sign, if you know it!

>>> Bonus 2: Get my mini Mercury retrograde masterclass video which will go some of the way towards explaining why your rising sign is so important and how to use it in this and all future Mercury retrograde cycles

>>> Bonus 3: I am also offering you a chant to the Goddess of Mercury, Saraswati. Goddess Saraswati is the Goddess of language and wisdom, and wonderful to connect with, especially at the start and end of a Mercury retrograde cycle when the mayhem comes even thicker and faster – stay tuned!


So if you want to grab the book and the bonuses before they disappear, just click here.

Have a great day!


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