COSMIC COLUMN September 2 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s all about communication

Looking at the chart for this week, there are seven main points of interest, and four of them involve communications planet Mercury. Mercury will connect to the planet of love and abundance, Venus, at the start of the week. That makes today and tomorrow in particular excellent for talking about matters of the heart of the wallet.

Then Mercury changes signs and moves into Virgo. Mercury is doing this after a very long spell in the previous sign of Leo. Mercury’s stay in Leo was extended this year because of the recent Mercury retrograde cycle which finished recently. So finally we can all start to turn out minds to other matters.

After the move into Virgo, Mercury then makes harmonious links with the planets Uranus and Saturn, in that order. We will feel it throughout the week. Mercury/Uranus is great for coming up with a surprising new solution to a problem, while Mercury/Saturn is excellent if you have a deal to make or a contract to sign. Overall, Mercury this week reminds us that in troubled times, sometimes turning things around is just a conversation away.

What lessons are you learning?

Finally, this week, the planet Saturn ends its recent retrograde. That suggests that the time for “rebuilding” is over. As Saturn starts to plough forwards again, there will be more lessons to learn in whichever part of your life Saturn is affecting. Here’s a rundown of that in a nutshell (read your Rising Sign of you know it and if you don’t, visit and find out for free) – remember, wherever Saturn goes, lessons follow. So expect lessons…

Saturn’s lessons in a nutshell

Aries – at work. Taurus –to do with publishing, study, travel and teaching. Gemini – re sex and/or money. Cancer – in love. Leo – about how to run your daily life. Virgo – lessons to do with romance, kids and/or a creative project. Libra – re family. Scorpio – re communication. Sagittarius – about cash, property and/or possessions. Capricorn – life is one big lesson right now. Aquarius – about what scares you. Pisces – via your friendships.

Love astrology?

FYI for meditators, Thursday and Friday night are especially good for your practise.

If you love knowing about the week ahead, you will love my 2019 Moon Diary available here.

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