COSMIC COLUMN October 7 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s a big week!

It’s a very big week astrologically with a New Moon, Venus now retrograde, and various planetary clicks and clashes.

Let’s start by looking at Tuesday’s New Moon which takes place in Libra, the partnership side.

On the one hand, this is great news for us all because it gives us a new lease of life when it comes to our personal and professional relationships. If you like to work with the New Moon as it moves through all 12 signs over the course of each year, then this is the month to get very conscious about how you are as a partner, at home and at work.

Relationship first aid required?

Are you giving as good as you get and vice versa. Does one relationship need some extra TLC or perhaps some emergency first aid?

This New Moon is clashing with paranoid, power mongering planet Pluto, though, so note that there could be dramas. It’s a case of “don’t let it fester, sort it out!” In other words, if there is an issue simmering away, you’re better of dealing with it before it turns completely toxic.

Venus news…

Note also that Venus is now doing one of her rare retrogrades (she does this only about once every 18 months). It’s re-evaluation time. For couples torn asunder who want to reunite, it’s the ideal time. For the rest of us, it’s a time re-evaluate who really matters to us. Are we living accordingly with our values? Ask these questions.

Why The Moon Is Magic

What many deliberate manifestors don’t realize is that starting the manifesting process at the time of the New Moon dramatically boosts our chances of achieving our dreams. Want to know more? Start with our FREE New Moon Wishing Guide here.

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