COSMIC COLUMN July 8 2018 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s a massive week as we move into the eclipse season, starting off with the New Moon eclipse. It’s in the sign of the Moonchild. In other words, it’s all about new starts connected to home and family, who you care for and want to protect.

Note that the New Moon is the ideal time to set your intentions and make your wishes and the New Moon eclipse is that plus plus. So make sure that you set aside time to get really clear about what you want at some point this week and then read your intentions and wishes out to the Universe any time on Friday night.

Transformation is possible!

There is a powerful force for transformation in the air this week. The Sun and Moon will both trigger life-changer Pluto before they align for the New Moon. Think of Pluto as the birth-life-death-rebirth cycle. This definitely doesn’t have to represent a real death, of course. However what in your life needs to fall away so that something new can grow up in its place? That is a question to ask yourself this week.

The good news is that amid this volatile and combustible Pluto and eclipse energy, we also have a very steady Venus/Saturn link. Venus the planet of love and abundance, and Saturn is the planet of commitment so when they get together, it can be very good news for love and money matters.

If you want to change your life…

The main message now though has to be this; if you want to change your life, you have to change your life. As trapped as you might feel by money or someone, you are actually not trapped. It’s a matter of attitude and enterprise. Make a plan. Formulate a strategy. We are in the eclipse season and we are starting with the New Moon eclipse this week. There is a way. Change is possible.

In fact, we are in a year of change, thanks to the various astrological factors stacking up. We are here on this planet to learn how to manifest our dreams and it all starts with cutting through disbelief we have about our power to do that. There is a reason why you are reading this!

Love knowing the weekly energies in advance? You can sign up to receive a reminder and link about this column every week here. Plus Yasmin Boland has created a limited edition 2019 Moon Diary for Hay House – pre-order it here!

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