Taurus Daily Horoscope – March 12 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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If you’ve got professional goals in your sights, there is a lot of astrology to support you at the moment. Whether it’s online or in real life, take every opportunity to make connections, catch up with personal or professional friends and rub shoulders with those who seemingly have a magical touch. Even if it costs you some cash – so what! Anything you invest in now, financially or energetically is geared towards handsome dividends a couple of months from now.

Are you Taurus Rising? It’s your lucky month!

This month sees the New Moon taking place in your 11th House which is the House of Wishes. So that means, YOU’RE the Rising Sign eligible for my monthly Written In The Stars workshop. We will – talk you through your chart – look at the energies in your horoscopes over the coming 12 months with a high degree of accuracy – and together we will make some New Moon wishes! Find out more here.

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