Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – May 1 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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What does May have in store?!

Note this info is for everyone – the horoscope for your sign is below!
The big news is that May is an eclipse month. More details about this coming up, but on 26 May, it’s a Full Moon eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius all over the world. In other words, we’re now moving into a new eclipse season.

Are you ready? The way to prepare for the eclipse season is simply to get clear about what you do and don’t want.

Once you’ve isolated what you want to release – which is the best thing to do at Full Moon – doing so will actually start, and the work you do at the Full Moon (for which I’ll give you ideas) will just make the process faster and hopefully easier.

The other equally important news is that this month, Jupiter – which has been in the sign of Aquarius for all of 2021 so far – moves into Pisces. Jupiter is the planet of plenty so his move into Pisces means you’re about to get lucky in a whole new part of your chart.

Also note that Mercury goes retrograde on 29/30 May (depending on where you are in the world). This time around, Mercury is doing so in the sign of Gemini.

From my Moonology Diary 2021 – it’s now sold out but you can pre-order the 2022 one here.

And your personal forecast for May…

Expect life to be changing. What do you want to do differently from here on in?

The Full Moon eclipse is in your sign and it’s demanding that you turn a corner, perhaps move on from bad habits or even a toxic work situation or relationship. The more you cling onto something you know has had its day, the more challenging it will be!

Chances like this don’t come along very often. Think about where change is needed and act!

The Moon is a magical timer…

The Moon is a magical timer… Did you know that magical women and enlightened men are making magic every month with the mysterious Moon as their guide? Get started here in our (free) Moon Lite Collective here.

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