Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – December 17 2020 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s a VERY big day astrologically-speaking

Maybe it’s just the circles I move in, but I kind of feel that if you haven’t heard about Jupiter and Saturn changing signs this week, you must be living on Uranus! I will most certainly be giving a chat about what it means for everybody on my daily live which you can catch here. Drop in a say hi!

What does Saturn’s move mean for you?


It’s your responsibility to communicate your message clearly …

Wherever Saturn goes, lessons follow. This year, Saturn is hanging out in your communications zone. Put that together and of course it means there are lessons about communications coming your way. This relates to what you say and how you say it, and also covers the way you think as well as the way you listen. Let’s begin with that last one.

Learning how to listen is a very important lesson this year. It’s not that you’re necessarily not a good listener, but listening to the information you’re receiving in a constructive and mature way is an excellent goal this year. If you think you’re way too old to have to worry about maturity, perhaps your lesson this year is of a different nature. Perhaps you need to loosen up your ways of communicating. There is no denying that Saturn is a restrictive planet so for some of you, this year’s lesson will be about finding the inner strength to speak up for yourself. Others will need to learn how to handle the new responsibilities they are given—and that will include learning how to be a boss. If you find yourself at loggerheads with various kinds of authority this year—from parents to teachers to corporate execs—you may be getting lessons about how to communicate with ‘superiors’ in a constructive way. This is also a good year to streamline your thought processes and to look at ways to order your ideas. However, also check to see that you are not immovable in your ways of thinking—avoid rigid thinking now. So what good are all these lessons about communications which Saturn is handing out? This is the end of a three-year cycle and this period is about preparing for the next cycle when you will start to move out of your local environment and into a wider sphere. The one thing you should do this year is keep your spirits up. Saturn in your mind zone can sometimes lead to sombre and serious thoughts. Look for the levity in all your situations and be honest with yourself if you know your mind is filled more with fear than facts.

Want more info?

I’ve created a simple but info-packed free PDF to give you more information about what this means for us all. The astrology we’re seeing now hasn’t been seen since 1405! Click here for your free report.

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