Pisces Daily Horoscope – February 13 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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Wow, that was a magical New Moon!

How was it for you? I found the energies after this month’s Full Moon especially lovely. Hopefully that’s a sign of things to come. We are now in the waxing cycle of the Moon so it’s going to be easier to be going full pelt on things.

As for today’s stars…

You’ll be way ahead in your work life today and you can afford to take on new projects and to look for interesting side lines that you’ll enjoy working on. Seek challenges and work on something you enjoy, whether that’s a new work project or a hobby. It’s time to do something that’s good for you. You also stand a good chance of meeting a new friend in this way, as new interest and avenues bring you new and like-minded people.

Do you want to know something exciting?

You have the ability to shape your reality. Did you know that? I don’t believe it’s something like a light switch where – KERPOW! – one day you’re broke and not feeling too healthy and – KERPOW AGAIN! – the next day you’re suddenly in perfect shape with a generous bank account. It’s not like that. Think of it more as shapeshifting your life. Slowly but surely you reshape you reality with your thoughts. We do is 24/7 anyway so we might as well do it consciously, right? Find out more about it – get on the (free!) Moonology Manifesting Challenge here.

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