Capricorn Daily Horoscope – 21 April 2022 - Yasmin Boland
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As the Sun moved into Taurus yesterday, the weather will begin to improve for those living in the northern hemisphere and for our friends in the southern hemisphere, the nights are beginning to close in as the temperature begins to fall.
Wherever you live, Taurus season is a temperate one and it brings us the opportunity to appreciate nature’s beauty. Take some time to enjoy long walks through the woods or decorate your home with fresh flowers.
You’re in a reflective mood today but that doesn’t mean you’re not busy. With so much to do, you need to think through the most complicated tasks so you can work as efficiently as possible. Sharing how you feel may be out of character but it will be helpful for you to receive some feedback on your ideas. However, the most important objective in talking to others about your goals is discovering people who are willing to help you out.
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