Aquarius Daily Horoscope – February 06 2021 - Yasmin Boland
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The planet Venus connects with Saturn today making this a good time to consider how your relationships are working and what you can do to improve them. Before you order that early Valentine’s present, perhaps you should reflect on how you can take care of you first. It’s so east to get carried away with looking after other people but you also need to keep your own strength up too. Treat yourself to something special today.
Saturn and Venus are now moving through your first house, the sector of the chart that rules your appearance and how you project your image to the rest of the world. Today is great day for you to take stock of what you need to do to gain respectability. It’s not enough to just look good—you have to be smooth and confident to get the perfect contacts. Try to foster positive, optimistic people who will support you in the future—they are the best kinds of investments to have.

Are you Aries Rising

Every month we do a workshop for one Rising Sign – and this month, it’s you! It will take place just after the New Moon because we do it at the Moon when your New Moon wishes are most powerful. Find out more at

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