Aquarius Daily Horoscope – 29 April 2023 - Yasmin Boland
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If your focus on your home life right now, that’s perfect. At this time of the year, the sun always moves through your 4th house, which is the part of your chart that’s all about home and family, about where you come from and where you feel you actually belong. That’s all great, but take note; In about ten days from now, there’s going to be a Full Moon eclipse in the opposite part of your chart. Is going to be lighting up your 10th house, which is the part of your charm which is all about your brilliant career. So if your focus on your home life is negatively impacting your career, you’re going to start to pay the price. Your best bet is to do what you can now to strike a balance between your personal self and your professional self.
Even the most extraordinary individuals face difficult times. Remember there is always hope and a way forward. Our Eclipse Essentials mini-guide will assist you in navigating through any rough patches. Keep shining and never give up, you’ve got this! Download the free mini-guide here.

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