What to do the night before the Full Moon - Yasmin Boland
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Gibbous Moon in Aries: I don’t know about you, but when I was little, I assumed that the Full Moon always takes place at night. This seemed rational. After all Moon/night/roundness, right? Wrong! In fact, the Full Moon takes place when the Sun and the Moon in are what’s called “exact opposition” to each other. So for example, in the case of this month, the Full Moon will take place when the Sun is at 1 degree of Scorpio and the Moon is at the exact opposite point in the zodiac, 1 degree of Taurus. Here are the times that will take place around the world.

Full Moon on October 25 (Sydney) at 2 Taurus

Full Moon details:
SYDNEY: October 25, 3.45am
NEW YORK: October 24, 12.45pm
LONDON: October 24, 5.45pm

In another location? Click here for your time zone.

The Full Moon is the time when your emotions come up to the surface for you to deal with them. If you work with them, you can clear yourself out energetically. The easiest way to do this is to make peace with the past, once a month at least. For help doing that, click here for my 100% free Full Moon Forgiveness Kit.

With that in mind, and looking at the times, you can see that TONIGHT is actually the night to get outside and howl at the Moon, put your jewels out for cleansing and have a Moon bathe yourself. As I mentioned yesterday, I will be in India and will definitely post something about my Full Moon experience there. If you would like to, you can follow my India trip here on Instagram.

Who do you need to forgive? Do it now!

Every workshop I give (click here for tickets to my upcoming London workshop), I emphasise one thing; all the New Moon wishing in the world is never go to make an impact if you’re filled with upset, resentment and rancour as you do your manifesting. Which is exactly why I encourage people to do their Full Moon forgiveness every single month.Click here for your free Full Moon forgiveness kit.

Aries Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life!’

2. ‘I take pride in my appearance.’

3. ‘I am brave!’

Essential Oil to use: Angelica

Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Solar Plexus, aka Manipura

Angel: Ariel, archangel of divine magic

Goddess: Athena, the warrior goddess and protector

Cosmic Ray: The 1st Ray which is red

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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