Third Quarter Moon … - Yasmin Boland
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Third Quarter Moon in Virgo: This Moon phase can be awkward. It’s the halfway point between the wonder of the Full Moon and the potential of the New Moon. On some level, we know that what didn’t work for us in the past has dissolved on an etheric level. It’s time to reorientate ourselves. Although we might feel tired during this part of the cycle, this is no time to stop, or to rest on our laurels. There’s tension at this time: a result of the hard angle between the egotistical Sun and the emotional Moon.

We may not want to let go but we know we need to. Adjustments are required. We have to make way for the new, which we sense is just around the corner, in the form of the New Moon in one week’s time. The Third Quarter Moon (like the First Quarter Moon) looks like a Half Moon. Any conflict that occurs now is worth examining – ask yourself what the message is in any challenges you face during this phase. A change of course may be called for. Let go.

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This part of the cycle can be a crossroads. Look back and see how far you’ve come. Do you deserve a pat on the back for what you’ve achieved? Then allow yourself that. Where to from here? It can be decision time as you work out what you want to take with you into the New Moon cycle that’s coming soon, and what you want to leave behind. This is also a very good time to break bad habits. You’re at a turning point so the question is, ‘Which way do you want to turn?’ Are you sticking with your old plans or making new ones?

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Virgo Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am more and more organized every day.’

2. ‘I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.’

3. ‘My wellbeing is my priority – I am getting back on track.’

Essential Oil to use: Tea Tree

Mantra: Hum. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Throat chakra, aka Vishudha

Angel: Metatron, the energy clearer

Goddess: Ceres, fertility Goddess

Heavenly Ray: The 6th ray, which is indigo

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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