Pisces Daily Horoscope – October 7 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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Your Daily Forecast

There are times when friends are the best thing in the whole world. And there are times when our friends drive us around the bend. Right now you have Saturn, the planet of obstacles and upset, in your 11 House of Friendship. In other words, there’s a very good chance that some of the people you love the most other people who are driving you the craziest. And today, there’s no let up. In fact, you have lessons coming from your friends, whether you like it or not. Your best bet is to see what they’re saying. They may well be talking a lot of sense, so listen with an open head and an open heart. Maybe even take their advice!

Are you traveling between October 31 and November 20?

Don’t panic, but Mercury will be retrograde. More (reassuring!) info here.

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