The idea for this mini-poster came from reading the amazing (not too long) book The Hidden Messages In Water by Dr Masaru Emoto.

He stunned the academic world with his discovery that frozen water crystals respond to words spoken to and even written on paper and "shown" to water -

Water that is shown lovely words like LOVE and GRATITUDE make beautiful crystals.

Words who are told "You are a fool!" make malformed ones!!

The implications of this are obviously far-reaching, since we humans are 70% water! Eg: what our parents say to us as we're growing up literally shapes us.

As Dr Emoto shows the crystals lovely words, so we too can show ourselves the same.

Click here to open a mini-poster with some of the words Dr Emoto says are most effective in causing positive changes in water. Print it out and put it somewhere you see it every day.

If you don't believe me, read the book!

Order the book in Australia * Order the book in the USA
* Order the book in the UK *


PS: The words - in my office
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