COSMIC COLUMN July 14 2019 - Yasmin Boland
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It’s a very intense week as we move towards the Full Moon eclipse.

There are three easy and very effective ways to tap into the Full Moon energies in a way that’s going to turn your life around in truly amazing ways!


It’s hard to explain how important forgiveness is if you want a happy life. The fact is that if we are angry, we give off bad vibes and given that we get back what we give out, it’s better not to be giving off bad vibes! And no, this is not about spiritual bypassing. Far from it. Rather, use the emotions which come up anyway at the time of the Full Moon to see who you need to forgive – yourself, anyone else…


Acceptance and surrender bring peace and calm. There is no point in fighting against what is. At the time of the Full Moon, when all the emotions come to the surface, it’s the time to surrender to the Divine – but just remember, you ARE Divine! This means accepting life as it is and that on some level everything is happening for a reason – your soul signed up for this so you can evolve! Remember everything works in Divine timing.


For my money, gratitude is the key to, well, pretty much everything! It just works miracles. So after you have forgiven and surrendered, take some time to be grateful for all the good in your life! If you know how to meditate, do it. Then make a list of the top 10 people, places, situations in your life which you’re grateful for!

FYI the Archangels of this Full Moon are Azrael and Michael. The Goddess is The Crone.

Wishing you a happy eclipse.

Are you ready for the Full Moon eclipse? It’s going to be an interesting one, as Venus clashes with Saturn, under the Capricorn lunation! You can sign up fo my (free!) Facebook Live Full Moon ceremony here

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