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(Read your Rising Sign if you know it. What’s your Rising Sign? Find out here for free!)

Today the Sun moves into Gemini.

This is what it means for you…
Expect to be extra busy over the next four weeks as the Sun goes through your solar 3rd house. It’s a time when you can expect to be making lots of little quick trips, hither and thither. You can also expect the phone to be ringing off the hook and for your email inbox to be calling for your attention – how well you communicate is going to be an issue now. Do you need to brush up your skills? If there is someone who hasn’t been getting your message, this is the time to re-explain yourself. If you’re going on holidays over the next month, be very mindful about not taking your work with you.

PS: So how’s your love life?

One of our most popular chart reports is this free Love Life Forecast chart based on your time, date and place of birth. Give it a go and see what Cupid has in store for you! It’s here

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