Are you a magical woman who needs more money? - Yasmin Boland
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Crescent Moon in Pisces

Let’s face it, apart from those with the courage to live off the grid, we all need cash. It’s how the world works.

But what if I told you that manifesting money was actually one of the VERY reasons you incarnated here on earth? That creating abundance and drawing wealth to you was one of the very reasons why your soul chose to come to this planet?

Because it really is.

I know what it’s like to feel guilty about cash. Here’s a funny story; back in 2013, when I was co-writing Angel Astrology with Doreen Virtue, Doreen and I had lunch. (This was pre-Doreen’s “Born Again” Christian conversion.) Before we met up, I was wondering WHAT TO WEAR! Because, you know, Doreen was one of my idols, as well as my co-author, and I was keen to make a good impression.

So I got dolled up.

I was about to grab my beautiful Prada back before I headed out the door.

Then I hesitated. Doreen was so spiritual. Would she think me superficial if I turned up with my beloved Prada bag that I’d bought in Paris as a treat to myself?

Surely Prada and being spiritual didn’t go together right? So I left the bag at home and took something more nondescript.

And what did I find when I met Doreen at the restaurant? She was looking absolutely gorgeous – literally dressed head to toe in … Prada! From her dress to her shoes to her handbag.

For me it was one of the biggest lessons. The Doreen Virtue I knew was nothing if not spiritual. And there she was giving me the lesson of a lifetime; about abundance; being who you really are; and Why It’s OK To Be Spiritual And Love Beautiful Things.

So how about you?

Does this story jar horribly? There might be a few money issues you need to work on. If one of the things you want to manifest in your life is greater financial freedom, you need to work through judging people who have cash, and/or (as I had to and still to some extent have to) through judging YOURSELF for wanting or having cash.

All food for thought as we move through the Crescent Moon phase, one of the most powerful times of the Moon manifesting cycle.

Want to work with the Moon all year?

Check out my Hay House Moonology diary (good for Aussie, UK and USA time zones)

Pisces Moon Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘It’s okay to say no.’

2. ‘Inner peace is my focus.’

3. I now release my fears.’

Essential Oil to use: Lavender

Mantra: Ah. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Crown (aka Sahasrara)

Angel: Sandalphon, the intercessor

Goddess: Kuan Yin, Goddess of compassion

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

This week’s freebie

Working with the New and Full Moon over the course of 2019 will change your life and allow you to manifest your dreams. Try it all out for free in our new Moon Lite Club here!

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